Adi's HiFi Blog

The HiFi topic has been on my mind for years, with everything that goes with it. During this time I have listened to, tested and reported on a number of devices on various social media channels.

I have summarized the previous test reports here for you to read. At irregular intervals I try to keep a small HiFi blog as long as I have time.
The content relates to my personal experiences in testing and listening and may not be consistent with others.


You also find guides, e.g. for preparing digital music collections, Roon and much more, with more to follow.


Please allow some time until all of my Blogs are also available in english. If one is missing check back later.
I hope you enjoy reading here, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.



Stereo amplifiers with HT-bypass- 


The official list.


The nature of a processor-input is to make it possible to combine a higher end stereo setup with a not so high end hometheater setup. Obviously the person would prefer this combined setup is a music-lover. The author of this article has systematically collected a list of amplifiers with Processor-input for almost a decade. It is not to our knowledge that a similar list is published elsewhere.

This kind of input is known under many different names, like Processor-input, Theater-input, Theater-bypass, Unity gain and Fixed-gain are all names used. The input is used for sending the signal from a surround receivers left and right front-channel via pre-out to the processor-input, which has a fixed gain.
British Arcam was among the earliest producers of Hi-fi to implement a processor-input in their amplifiers in the now long gone Alpha series. But we suspect Mark-levinson to be the very first producer.
In order to be qualified to a place in our list, we demand that the processor-input at least can be selected from the front panel, even though remote selection is preferable. What we do not accept, is solutions that involves operations at the back of the amp to choose the processor-input, except for installation procedures.
The solution for all amps listed here has been controlled by checking the online user manual, or other written documentation. The list both contains current and past products.
Some of the amps listed below have links to review of this product at For the time being thes reviews are only available in Norwegian.

We are certain that som amplifiers are missing at this list, and we highly appreciate hints about missing amplifiers.


Written by Karl Erik Sylthe